1 InstallShield (R) 2 Release Builder 3 (c) 1996-2003 InstallShield Software Corporation 4 (c) 1990-1996 InstallShield Corporation 5 All rights reserved. 6 InstallShield (R) Express 7 Build started at 8 Building Release: 9 Build finished at 10 Build failed with error # 11 ISMsiBuild.CBuild CreateObject failed 12 Init method failed in build object. 13 BuildMedia method failed in build object. 14 ISProject create object failed 15 LoadAllClassInfo method failed is ISProject object. 16 Load method failed is ISProject object. 17 -p project file name 18 -r name of the release 19 -c \n COMP = Files compressed into .msi file; \n UNCOMP = Files remain uncompressed 20 -b full path to the output folders and files 21 -s silent build 22 -i <.ini file path> full path to an .ini file 23 For more information on command-line parameters, please see the Help Library. 24 Error: 25 Error registering the events with the build 26 Error creating the IsmAuto object 27 Error opening the project (IsmAuto.Open) 28 ---COMMAND LINE OPTIONS--- 29 -f 30 --REQUIRED-- 31 --OPTIONAL-- 32 -a name of the product configuration 33 -e include Setup.exe in the build 34 File not found: 35 \nAn error has occurred while trying to open the project file.\nPlease make sure that this project file is not already open by another application. 36 -x stop at first error 37 -u upgrade only 38 -w treat warnings as errors 39 -m name of the CUB file to use to validate the package 40 -g minimum target MSI version 41 -h skip updgrade validators 42 -o merge module search path 43 -r name of the Media Type 44 -k use specified skin 46 -n don't compile setup.rul 47 -j minimum target Microsoft(R) .NET Framework version 48 -t Microsoft(R) .NET Framework path 49 --WINDOWS INSTALLER PROJECTS-- 1017 The project file name parameter is missing. 1019 The release name parameter is missing. 1020 The product configuration parameter is missing. 1104 The release configuration parameter is missing. 1106 The build location parameter is missing. 1108 The .ini file path parameter is missing. 1109 Cannot find the specified .ini file. 1110 The release flags parameter is missing. 1112 The include Setup.exe parameter is missing. 1113 The '%1' switch is not recognized. 1114 The parameter '%1' is not preceded by a switch. 1115 The source project file does not exist. 1119 The specified CUB file does not exist. 1122 The specified INI file does not exist. 1123 The merge module search path parameter is missing. 1124 The minimum target MSI version parameter is missing. 1125 The CUB file parameter is missing. 1126 The minimum target Microsoft(R) .NET Framework version parameter is missing. 1127 The Microsoft(R) .NET Framework path parameter is missing. 1128 -q1 build tables only 1129 -q2 WINDOWS INSTALLER PROJECTS: build tables and refresh files \n PROFESSIONAL PROJECTS: rebuild only changes since the last build 1130 -q3 only compile setup.rul 1131 Failed to load sabuild.dll.